Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Global Theatre History - Special Issue "Cold War University"

This special issue of the Journal of Global Theatre History seeks to address epistemological questions from historical, geopolitical, and institutional perspectives by investigating the reciprocal influence of Cold War politics and the conceptualization of universities. The contributors to this issue elaborate on the role Cold War politics played in the development of the university and arts education – in particular theatre education – as we understand them today; and, conversely, the role that the university and arts education – again, in particular theatre education – played in Cold War politics and the politics of decolonization that formed part of it.
The papers gathered in this special issue were presented at the international online workshop "Cold War University – Humanities and Arts Education as a (Battle)field of Diplomatic Influence and Decolonial Practice", organized by the ERC project Developing Theatre (GA no. 694559) in fall 2020.