Über die Zeitschrift


The Journal of Global Theater History is a peer-reviewed journal that employs a rigorous double-blind procedure for assessing solicited articles. All submissions will be assessed by at least two external reviewers who may or may not be members of the editorial board. The journal endeavours to complete the review process within a space of two months. All articles must be submitted in English. It is assumed that all articles are original and have not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication with other journals or collected volumes.

We encourage submissions of material covering all areas or periods/epochs of all genres of the performing arts, but place special emphasis on the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. We expect that all articles will engage strongly with theories/questions foregrounding the dynamics of globalization and transnational perspectives. We especially encourage research the focusses on the institutional and economic dimensions/aspects of the performing arts as well as their imbrication/connection with questions of reception or the public sphere.


Twice a year in March and October.


Diese Zeitschrift bietet freien Zugang (Open Access) zu ihren Inhalten, entsprechend der Grundannahme, dass die freie öffentliche Verfügbarkeit von Forschung einem weltweiten Wissensaustausch zugute kommt.

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