

  • Christopher Balme LMU München




We are currently living in a time of postponement. The disruptions caused by the Corona pandemic have also affected the journal as all schedules of all contributors were suddenly rearranged. With some delay we are pleased to present the current number of the journal. It comprises three contributions, two of which touch on Augusto Boal’s global theatre movement, the Theatre of the Oppressed (TO). Any study of theatre in a globalized context must engage with Boal and his seminal influence on both political and applied theatre.

Author Biography

  • Christopher Balme, LMU München

    Christopher Balme holds the chair in theatre studies at LMU Munich. His publications include Pacific Performances: Theatricality and Cross-Cultural Encounter in the South Seas (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007); Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies (CUP, 2008); The theatrical public sphere (CUP, 2014); The Globalization of Theatre 1870-1930: The Theatrical Networks of Maurice E. Bandmann, (CUP, 2020). He is principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant “Developing Theatre: Building Expert Networks for Theatre in Emerging Countries after 1945”. 



